Click Here for a Newscast of the Levaya from NEWS12
Click Here for a video clip of the Levaya from Shmais

Bochurim from Oholei Torah Zal and Mesivta as well as Bochurim from Chovevai Torah Zal and all grades from the Bais Rivkah High School attended Efraim Kleins Levaya along with hundreds of members of the community.

Efraim was murdered earlier this morning from wounds inflicted upon him by a gunshot wound which police still have no idea who shot him and where he was shot, and are still investigating.

The Levaya arrived in front of 770 at around 2:20pm there R. Shea Hecht said a few words about Efraim followed by him praising the Police Department for the work they are doing. R. Shloime Lieb Abramowitz said the “Michtam Ledavid” and the Kapitlach Tehillim. Then the Aron was brought out of the Hearse and was carried past 770 then reloaded back into the Hearse and went to the Montefiore Cemetery where he was laid to his final resting place.

A full gallery in the Extended Article.

Well Over 1000 Attend Efraim Klein HY”D’s Levaya

Click Here for a Newscast of the Levaya from NEWS12
Click Here for a video clip of the Levaya from Shmais

Bochurim from Oholei Torah Zal and Mesivta as well as Bochurim from Chovevai Torah Zal and all grades from the Bais Rivkah High School attended Efraim Kleins Levaya along with hundreds of members of the community.

Efraim was murdered earlier this morning from wounds inflicted upon him by a gunshot wound which police still have no idea who shot him and where he was shot, and are still investigating.

The Levaya arrived in front of 770 at around 2:20pm there R. Shea Hecht said a few words about Efraim followed by him praising the Police Department for the work they are doing. R. Shloime Lieb Abramowitz said the “Michtam Ledavid” and the Kapitlach Tehillim. Then the Aron was brought out of the Hearse and was carried past 770 then reloaded back into the Hearse and went to the Montefiore Cemetery where he was laid to his final resting place.

A full gallery in the Extended Article.


  • so sad

    it’s a very sad situation but it’s very nice to see how many people showed up to pay thier last respects. BDE

  • a furious cher

    we cannot be silent at a time like this…in france a huge demonstration consisting of arabs, balcks, jews marched through france screaming things like "the holocaust is over…."
    we CANNOT let our brothers’ blood flow freely here, in france or israel. if this was on the other side we wouldnt stop hearin abt this.
    Ephraim was an extremely nice man…..he was a korban for am yisrael and we cant let another c"v have another. please dont be silent. ppl who can should organize some sort of demonstration.
    hamakom yirachem eschem bsoch shaar byerushalayim

  • Thanks for what?

    Praising the police for what they are doing?!?! What exactly are they doing? Letting innocent people get shot when they go to move their cars? Instead of screaming "how could you let this happen?", we’re busy thanking the police, and then people want to know why the crime is going up. If we took more of an agressive stand in the community, and made it clear that such attacks will not be met with applause for a police force that did nothing to prevent it, maybe, just maybe, horrible occurances such as these could B’ezrat Hashem be prevented in the future! Shame on the people that call themselves the leaders of our community!

  • ch mentch

    this comes a week after new machlokes started in the CH community enough is enough we are to blame
    ahavas yisroel when will we learn
    and i hope they find these sick black people

  • Jerry Freund

    I send my deepest condolences to the Klein family, its truly a very sad day.

    When Mayor Bloomberg ran his First campaign in 2000, when every poll suggested that the mayor will loose in a landslide against Mark Green,

    At that time, the first and only Jewish organization that publicly took the courage to endorse the mayor, was Crown Heights Jewish Community Council led by Mr Chanina Sperlin.

    I hope the mayor and his office remembers that.

    Jerry Freund
    Boro Park

  • can-t handle the suffering any longer!

    enough already!!! we’ve suffered enough!!!MOSHIACH MUST COME!

  • maven

    A big yasher koyach to Rabbi Shea Hecht. He is a baal ahavas yisroel who selflessly works day and night to help his fellow Yidden. Everything he does is without self interest and with complete moser nefesh for Yidden. And he presents a good well spoken face for the mdeia too.


    to Shea Hect

    Why did you give the NYPD credit for watching the streets at a time wehn you are to scream at them for not watching the streets?

  • Eastern Parkway Resident

    genuck shoin mit Chanina. Ir is a nairish fun Chelm. Let Rubashkin take the lead, he can speak English.

  • Mrs. S.

    This could have happened to anyone if it was a stray bullet. The Jewish and black communities should ban together against crime and try to find means to get rid of the drugs, gun shooting, and gangs in Crown Heights.

  • moishy

    to "thanks for what?"–

    shea was diplomatically telling them that they don’t do enough. he said thank you and THEN ALSO made a PLEA for them to do more. how would you feel if you had a job to do and after a miserable failure someone thanked you? you’d feel guilty and want to do better- i think shea hit it right on the mark with that one.

    to ch mentch-

    i’m sorry, but i really don’t think it’s our place to say why these things happen. CHAS VESHALOM to blame this tragedy on other fellow yidden!!!! We don’t have to answer for Hashem- He has to answer for Himself by bringing Moshiach NOW!!!
    there’s nothing more we can say.

  • Crown heights

    I am a father of five children, and I live in crown heights.
    When I heard the terrible and shocking news that a Young man was murdered, in the heart of our community. I said to my wife, now! The community council will finally, make an uproar about the continues mugging and racial attacks that have plagued our community. I was deeply shocked when our so-called community leaders, ranted and raved about the peaceful crown heights, were crime is a No.
    Rabosai, Last week, a young boy was left unconscious, bloody in the street.
    Less then a month ago, a bochur was mugged and shot at.
    Every day, there are muggings in the streets of our beloved community.
    Were is the out cry? Why is the community council quiet? I don’t remember such a horrendous crime year like this past year.
    And if you are wondering about the polls, that crime dropped, the police simply are hiding the reports. Rabosia, who cares about some stupid law passing about gun control!
    We must pressure the police deportment to start arresting and punishing the muggers, and not just driving them around the block, letting them go. The community council cares about their political connections and don’t give a dam!

    A concerned resident of crown heights

  • Dovid

    Thanks to what, I agree with you Wholeheartedly! I just wrote an article on my blog about my anger at Shea’s speech. Check it out.

  • time to go.

    its time for chanina sperlin to go!! he is just not cut out for this job!!
    its time now more then ever to have people that know how to speak and make right decisions.

  • maven

    Don’t knock Shea. He is one of the best we’ve got. This community needs someone like Shea Hecht. His family has long standing contacts with influential people in the city meaning he can call on people and bring in favors no one else can. And Shea is able to speak articulately and understands how to speak in a way that people can relate to. He does not have a broken Yiddisher accent, and he is diplomatic and likeable. Compare how he comes off on TV to some of the other guys who love the microphone but the microphone does not love them back–some of these guys with the broken Yinglish who don’t seem to have a grasp of the issues make us all look like real nars. Shea is a real New Yorker, a real American type of guy, and he talks straight tough street-talk, and all of that plays well in Manhattan, and the other boros and beyond.


    time to go

    is somthing bothring you about chanina

    he did not thank the police that was hect
    its time for hect to go & put rabbi krinsky in his place!!!

  • maven

    Rabbi Krinsky is not now and never has been a local leader.

    Some of the posters here are hysterical and overly emotional. Use your sechel. How do you think the police and pols would have reacted if Shea used the levaya to heap scathing criticism on them? They would have gotten defensive! We are not like the Al Sharpton rabble rousers of the world–we are Yidden, and we have our own civil menhclike way of doing things. Guaranteed that if it comes out that the police are culpable, then Shea will be one of the first to fight them, behind the scenes, with effectiveness and diplomacy, without ranting to the biased media, without making headlines that pit the CH Jews against the entire NYC police department and the Mayor too.

    And at this point no one knows the whole story, so all of you who are jumping to conclusions should cool your heels till all the evidence is in.

  • Shocked in Manhattan

    This tragedy is shocking and alarming. I did not know this man but feel a loss when anyone in this city is a victim of violence. No words can express enough sympathy to the family especially at a time that was to be one of celebration.
    Unfortunately equally alarming is that some in the community would use this as an opportunity to complain about local politics, City Hall, the Police. Shame on you a man is dead, taken from his family, friends, community too soon. No one yet knows how or why but already fingers point and tongues wag. Is this what we are taught? Now is the time to pay respect to this man’s life and to his family. The rest can wait

  • Sccaaarred to death!

    This place is turning into a sick and scary neighbourhood. As an out of towner living in CH, you’d think living among a community of jews is safe and the people who are supposed to be incharge of keeping it so, do what they can to make it safe. They are just worried about they’re stand in the community and when it comes to crime, they just "thank" the police and then continue on their merry way wihtout changing a freiking thing.
    Get out there and do something already, this place is nuts!!!

  • ME

    1000 people attended the funeral today. 1000??!!!! Out of a community of 20,000?
    About 200 attendees today were foreign bocherim from 770 and the other yeshivas ,that means tat only 800 local residence attended. If perhaps 10,000 people had attended the funeral ( and judging by how meny barriers were put up by the police that was the amount of people they were expecting ) then maybe the higher ups would get the message that we care and they would do something about it .
    It seems that the community did not really care ,they didn’t attend the funeral!

  • Alumni resident of Crown Heights

    In response to ME; does he even care about people who have to work for a living so they can provide for their families? or is he just another bochur using this blog to rant and rave since none of the bochurim in yeshiva want to hear what he has to say anymore?
    I think (in my humble opinion) 1000 people is a decent showing. and by the way, did you count each person that came? how did you come up with the number 1,000?
    And who are the 20,000 community members made up from? (children in school?)
    The "leaders" need to say a lot more, but that is a complete new entry to be made at a later time.

  • TR

    The community council had a responsibility to inform the community about the funeral. I am abusy mother who would have attened along with my other friends.

  • ME

    Hi alumni resident of crown heights .this is a forum in which lubvaitchers can express there thoughts on various topics in the community. There is no need to bash me personally ,we are not in Iran. Yes some of us were at work yesterday ( my self included- I am not a bocher in yeshiva, but believe it or not some of them also have a right to express there feelings, after all they are the ones who in a few short years will inherit the mess we have made ) , but if this issue was not important enough for them to take a few hours of from work then obviously they didn’t think that the vicious murder of a member of our community was important enough!
    Now of course not everybody had the ability to take off work but more people could of cared to come. 1000 people is an exceedingly low turn out for a community of our size who have been discussing the rise in crime in our neighborhood for way to long. Yes the kids should have been at the funeral, after all they are as much of a target for this crime as we are!
    How do I know there were only 1000 at the funeral? Because I bothered to take of work and attend yesterday, I ask several of the officials who were there and 1000 was the number arrived at.

  • midwood

    att. ME
    first of all, im so sorry (sarcasm) but i had school on tuesday.
    2nd, i think judging by the pictures there was ALOT of people, or, ENOUGH people to make a statement.
    dont worry about the numbers. there were plenty of people there and the fact that the schools were there made a big statement.
    and also, you cant expect 10,000 people to take off from work or school or whatever it is, im sure that everyone who could make it was there.

  • p.s.

    Tr IF i am not mistaken a siren did go off informing ppl bout the levaya
    i dont live in ch so i dont know but thats what i heard!

  • shliach in sydney australia from CH

    shliach in sydney australia says, from crown heights this is a horrible thing which happened and i agree that the police arent doing enough of a good job and we have to make a new election by the community council for people that care about the rising crime and not thanking the police for nothing. its about they woke up and smelled the coffee.

  • WebDetective

    Is this the same Rabbi mentioned on 21 February 2005 here: http://www.crownheights.inf… ?

    Is there a possibility that he was murdered by someone taking revenge for an action he took in his capacity as a Auxiliary Police Officer?

    Has this crime been solved yet?