Op-Ed: I Only Earn 150k, Please Help!

The rising costs of Yeshiva tuition and summer camps have placed an unbearable strain on us. What was once a manageable expense has now become a daunting financial challenge. For my family, the dream of providing our children with a strong education and enriching summer experiences has turned into a cycle of debt and anxiety.

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Mazal Tov's View More

Weekly Letter: Why The Holocaust?

In his letter to one questioning the holocaust – why did G-d permit it to take place – the Rebbe shares some preliminary basic thoughts to keep in mind before delving into the question: Creation of the world with a purpose, capacities to carry out the purpose and the Divine design revealed in Torah.

Picture of the Day

In a breaking release, a newspaper clipping has been discovered showing that the Frierdiker Rebbe opened a Yeshiva in 1925 in Leningrad with the government’s permission. As part of the agreement with the government, he agreed to teach communism at the Yeshiva for three hours a week. If communism was actually taught is not known.